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An independent director in a family business

In Switzerland, 99% of the companies are small or medium-sized. And nearly 90% of these 320,000 SMEs are family-owned. (source: https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/economie/compétitivité_pour-les-entreprises-familiales--la-suisse-a-la-classe-mondiale/44734858) This...

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The independent director: A profession in evolution

We asked Eric Maire to tell us about the big changes between yesterday's governance and tomorrow's. Why is there so much interest in being an independent director today? Yesterday's board members: For me, most of the independent directors became independent by chance....

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Setting up your Board of Directors!

You have decided to review the setup of your Board of Directors. Until now, you met very quickly once a year with your 'board secretary', who is also your son. But after a discussion with another leader, you realized what a professionally organized board could really...

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Testimony of Stéphan Grouitch, CEO Itecor

We went to meet one of our customers! Stéphan Grouitch, CEO of Itecor. To ask him how he set up his board of directors? And why does he use an independent director? A little background! Stéphan Grouitch is the CEO of Itecor. Itecor offers consulting and services for...

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The advantages of having an independent board member

You are the manager of an SME in Switzerland and you want to complete your board of directors. Why use one or more independent directors? Because the independent board member: Challenges performance on strategic and operational topics The role of the independent...

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Why and how to create a board of directors?

The world is becoming more complex, the number of uncertainties is increasing and what we thought was granted must be reconsidered. With ever more complicated legislation, where the needs and concerns of each other are constantly evolving, how can you adapt,...

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Discover the mission of APIA Swiss

Who are we ? What are the goals of our association? What does independent director mean? APIA Swiss is a non-profit association founded in January 2018. Its mission is to promote and professionalize the function of Independent Director. With the increase in legal...

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